Saturday, December 03, 2005

Applying Moon Conjunct Venus

All you need is love...isn't it ?

But there's never quite enough to go around...

Is there ?

Isn't the tragedy of love that we love in one person what we should love in all people ?

Enough of this...

Applying Moon Conjunct Venus...another day well aspected for harmonious relationships...

Others will tend to share their feelings openly today...especially be brave and approach that special someone you've had your eye on.

Stuck for a chat up line ?

Try the one I used on Sister Impetuous...

" Fancy a game of sideshows ? " I inquired.

" Ok." She replied.

" Right then ! You sit on my face and I'll guess your weight ! " I retorted.

Guaranteed to get a reaction.

May all your reactions be favourable.