Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Moon Void in Sagittarius

A wise person is concerned about what he causes...not about what he receives...

A common person worries about what he receives...not about what he causes...

When we realises that the external world has nothing to do with us...and act accordingly...we return to our source.

Enough of this...

Moon Void in Sagittarius...playing with others is not very satisfying at this time...because winners are not clearly distinguishable from losers...

Travel plans may go adrift.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Applying Moon Opposite Mars

What do you believe ?...I am often asked.

How can I answer truthfully ?

I am belief willed Flesh ! !

And it would appear that is never answer enough...

But believe me Oh my brothers and sisters...

The key to all you perceive lies within...and without you.

Enough of this...

Applying Moon Opposite Mars...tension and excitement is in the air now...

This transit often coincides with stressful conditions...quick responses...and competitive reactions...

Negative energies abound.

May ye be positive.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Applying Moon Opposite Uranus

When you can never guarantee that you will inhale again.

So how can you waste yourself on useless things ?

Look around you...perhaps things are good...or perhaps things are bad ?

In the blink of an eye...ten thousand changes !

And if things don't change for better or must be dead my brothers and sisters.

Enough of this...

Applying Moon Opposite Uranus...a time to expect the unexpected...interruptions in the flow of things...moods are subject to rapid changes now.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Applying Moon Opposite Venus

Inspiration comes in flashes but experience is constant.

Ego is our only reality.

The pinnacle of human inventiveness ?

Ego and Sin !

The last act man will forgo is his sadism.

The Ego and the Flesh.

Who needs more ?

When I fail to see myself in all things, then shall I pray for enlightenment.

Enough of this...

Applying Moon Opposite Venus...all social interactions are highlighted and will be emotional and feeling-orientated. Relations with females present challenges.

Rational choices are bypassed...feelings dictate action.